
Upgrade your MySQL database to v3

Migration must be handled manually or else you will lose all your data. Do NOT use automated tools as is. Read this guide carefully as some parts depend on your current structure (especially the table names), and feel free to ask questions on our Discord server if you have any questions.

Update the adapter

Install the latest version of the MySQL adapter package.

npm install @lucia-auth/adapter-mysql

Initialize the adapter:

import { Mysql2Adapter, PlanetScaleAdapter } from "@lucia-auth/adapter-mysql";

new Mysql2Adapter(pool, {
	// table names
	user: "user",
	session: "user_session"

new PlanetScaleAdapter(connection, {
	// table names
	user: "user",
	session: "user_session"

Update session table

The main change to the session table is that the idle_expires and active_expires columns are replaced with a single expires_at column. Unlike the previous columns, it's a DATETIME column.

Check your table names before running the code.

ALTER TABLE user_session ADD expires_at DATETIME;

UPDATE user_session SET expires_at = FROM_UNIXTIME(idle_expires / 1000);

ALTER TABLE user_session DROP active_expires, DROP idle_expires, MODIFY expires_at DATETIME NOT NULL;

You may also just delete the session table and replace it with the new schema.

Replace key table

You can keep using the key table, but we recommend using dedicated tables for each authentication method.


The SQL below creates a dedicated table oauth_account for storing all user OAuth accounts. This assumes all keys where hashed_password column is null are for OAuth accounts. You may also separate them by the OAuth provider. You should adjust the VARCHAR length accordingly.

CREATE TABLE oauth_account (
    provider_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    provider_user_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    user_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL REFERENCES user(id),
    PRIMARY KEY (provider_id, provider_user_id)

INSERT INTO oauth_account (provider_id, provider_user_id, user_id)
SELECT SUBSTRING(id, 1, POSITION(':' IN id)-1), SUBSTRING(id, POSITION(':' IN id)+1), user_id FROM user_key
WHERE hashed_password IS NULL;


The SQL below creates a dedicated table password for storing user passwords. This assumes the provider ID for emails was email and that you're already storing the users' emails in the user table.

CREATE TABLE password (
    hashed_password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    user_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL REFERENCES user(id)

INSERT INTO password (hashed_password, user_id)
SELECT hashed_password, user_id FROM user_key
WHERE SUBSTRING(id, 1, POSITION(':' IN id)-1) = 'email';

Alternatively, you can store the user's credentials in the user table if you only work with email/password.

ALTER TABLE user ADD hashed_password VARCHAR(255);

UPDATE user INNER JOIN user_key ON user_key.user_id =
SET user.hashed_password = user_key.hashed_password
WHERE user_key.hashed_password IS NOT NULL;

ALTER TABLE user MODIFY hashed_password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;