
Upgrade password-based auth to v3

Update database

You can continue using the keys table but we recommend either creating a dedicated table for storing passwords or storing passwords in the user table, as shown in the database migration guides.

Create users

Lucia provides LegacyScrypt for hashing and comparing passwords using the algorithm used in v1 and v2. For future projects, we recommend using Argon2id or Scrypt provided by Oslo.

import { generateId, LegacyScrypt } from "lucia";

// v2 IDs have a length of 15
const userId = generateId(15);

await db.beginTransaction();
// create user manually
await db.table("user").insert({
	id: userId,
// store oauth account
await db.table("password").insert({
	hashed_password: await new LegacyScrypt().hash(password),
	user_id: userId
await db.commit();

// simplified `createSession()` - second param for session attributes
const session = await lucia.createSession(userId, {});
// `createSessionCookie()` now takes a session ID instead of the entire session object
const sessionCookie = lucia.createSessionCookie(;
// set session cookie as usual (using `Response` as example)
return new Response(null, {
	status: 302,
	headers: {
		Location: "/",
		"Set-Cookie": sessionCookie.serialize()

Authenticate users

Use verify() to validate passwords.

import { LegacyScrypt } from "lucia";

// using consecutive queries to simplify example but you can use joins
const user = await db.table("user").where("username", "=", username).get();
if (!user) {
	return new Response("Invalid username or password", {
		status: 400
const credentials = await db.table("password").where("user_id", "=",;
if (!user) {
	return new Response("Invalid username or password", {
		status: 400

const validPassword = await new LegacyScrypt().verify(credentials.hashed_password, password);
if (!validPassword) {
	return new Response("Invalid username or password", {
		status: 400

// create sessions...